Customers and Partners
Provide, build and operate port and logistics services in an integrated, high quality and reliable way to meet customer and partner satisfaction.
As the core concepts underlying all our activities, service and customer satisfaction are the values that we try to ingrain into our corporate culture and ethics at every level, as reflected in our vision and mission statements.
PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (hereinafter referred to as “IPC” and “Company”) was originally established as a Public Company (“Perum”) Pelabuhan II based on Government Regulation (“PP”) No. 15 of 1983 juncto PP No. 5 of 1985. Perum Pelabuhan II is a State-Owned Enterprise (“BUMN”) under the guidance of the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia.
Based on PP No. 57 of 1991, Perum Pelabuhan II changed its status to Limited Liability Company (PT), based on Imas Fatimah, S.H., Notarial Deed No. 3 dated December 1, 1992. The deed of establishment was approved by RI Ministry of Justice Decree No. C2-4754.HT.01.01.TH.93 dated June 17, 1993. Since the establishment by the Ministry of SOEs in 1998, the Company has come under its guidance. The Company’s Articles of Association have been amended several times, most recently based on the Shareholders Decision notarized in the Notarial Deed No. 03 from Notary Nanda Fauz Iwan, S.H., M.Kn., dated August 2, 2013 concerning additional issued and fully paid capital in the Company. The Articles of Association amendment was notified to the RI Ministry of Law and Human Rights the Letter of Acceptance Notification No. AHU-AH.01.10-38219 dated September 12, 2013.
Provide, build and operate port and logistics services in an integrated, high quality and reliable way to meet customer and partner satisfaction.
Create a comfortable work environment for employees, promote employees that are customer-focused, have integrity, and have pride in the company and its culture, while providing welfare and satisfaction to employees.
Maximize the Company’s value to shareholders and improve the Company’s health in a professional manner through the fulfillment of good corporate governance.
Ensure the smooth and safe flow of ships and goods to realize logistical cost efficiency to accelerate the national economic growth and to improve the people’s welfare.