General Meeting of Shareholders provides the opportunity for shareholders to decide on the direction of the Company and as a forum for the Board of Commissioners and Directors to report and present their accountability on the execution of their performance to shareholders
The General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) is the highest institutional body in IPC and is a forum where shareholders gather to make important decisions where the authority is not given to the Boards of Directors and Board of Commissioners as stipulated in IPC’s articles of association and all applicable laws. The authorities include:
Conducting the GMS through a process of announcing and calling the GMS in accordance with applicable regulations. after the announcement and call letter for the meeting, all materials to be discussed at the GMS are available at the IPC office, so that the stakeholders who will be participants in the meeting can take the material.The GMS consists of the annual GMS (AGMS) and Extraordinary GMS (EGMS). AGMS are held annually by IPC, and includes the agms for the IPC annual report and the agms for the Company's Work Plan and Budget (RKAP GMS), while the egms can be held at any time based on the needs and for the benefit of IPC. The gms starts with a GMS call, in accordance with applicable regulations.